Students at Windsor High School volunteered to work with the “Ramp It Up” program Wednesday morning to help build a ramp for a Binghamton family.

This program works in partnership with the Broome County Council of Churches. Ramp It Up Project Coordinator Chris Osteen told 12 News the team built hundreds of ramps for individuals who are wheelchair-bound.

“It’s just about who needs it the most,” Osteen said. “It’s not about your money situation or your influence or anything like that.”

This is the 17th build that Windsor students have volunteered for. Senior Shelby Goodwin, who worked on her third ramp Wednesday, said working with her peers and making a difference in the community keeps her coming back year after year.

“It feels good knowing that we’re helping to make their lives easier and they can actually leave their house without a hassle,” Goodwin said. “When we add a ramp, we know that they can do the things they want to do easier and that we played a part in helping them accomplish that.”

These projects teach students construction work, teamwork and communication. Goodwin believes the experience from this volunteer work gives her meaningful life skills.

“I learn new things every year about the basics of building, how to use a drill, how to level how to measure correctly: So we have an equal ramp,” Goodwin said. “I can apply at home and to help others in my family and the community as well.”

Anyone interested in applying for a ramp can contact the Broome County Council of Churches. Osteen said Ramp It Up plans on building 20 ramps this year and is already taking applications into next year.

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